Lockdown - A Weapon or Disease?

 I know the headline sounds a bit weird but we all know that lockdown is due to Covid 19. We all have read about the Corona, its origin, symptoms so on and so forth. So there is no point in talking about the same thing again as it already has many posts available online. Today, I am here to share my views about  "Lockdown : A weapon or Disease".

My main motive to write about this is to understand what exactly happens when a country or the entire world stops. Well lockdown could be a weapon because we all are aware when the Covid 19 began hitting the entire world it was considered as a biological weapon to be the supreme country. We all know the name of the country responsible for it. So let's think about it, was it planned? Did that country be aware about the consequences of what will happen after covid is spread in the entire mankind. Well the answer is yes as per my knowledge I read from the entire google I could understand the pattern that was taken into consideration by following the same measures within the country just in case the virus first hit the country where it was produced as a weapon, and eventually it did, resulting a full stop in the entire country's economy. As it already started in their own country they are aware about the consequences of what will happen next. Still they didn't stop and keep on going. 

Now when this happens they experienced something which was good as well as bad for them, the entire economy was struggling, people were dying, disease was spreading. Meanwhile struggling with all these the plan was to do the same damage to the entire world as they knew that broadcasting the entire corrosion to the world media will linger countries around the globe to follow the same measures to stop the pandemic to spread. So they waited till they could overcome the disease and then they started hitting the world one by one beginning from the closest enemy to the largest economy, which happened eventually and led to this dreadful disease spread in the entire globe.  As a result of which, it hampered the entire economy in the world and caused drastic damage to the innocent lives leading to a mass killing.

As the lives of the entire world were at stake, looking toward the disaster, Leaders came to a conclusion i.e. Lockdown. I would say Lockdown was a weapon but not a direct hit but a supporting shockwave which came after the blast of the disease. The shock wave that shook the entire world's economy and broke its relations with the entire humanity - a massacre which could only be seen in the world war! Lockdown was used as a weapon and it was supported by the disease so in both cases lockdown was a weapon and a disease because they already knew the consequences of the disease and that's why they prepared all the countries that needed to be done to spread the entire pandemic? Isn't it !!

Conclusion :

The Earth is a very beautiful place and the people are the finest creation on Earth, created by God in his own image. We all have to take care, love and protect mankind by being humble. So everybody in the entire world should understand the importance of being a human and to protect mankind. If you have the power and creativity, use that for the protection and the development of important things which can be beneficial for the entire mankind. This is my thought which I wanted to share with all the lovely people. Please feel free to comment below if you think the same or if you have any other thoughts. 

Stay Safe Stay Healthy !


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